L’Enquête sur la violence contre les enfants (VACS) réalisée en 2012 est la première enquête nationale sur la violence contre les enfants vivant dans la République d’Haïti Mis en place en juin 2012, le VACS est une enquête nationale touchant des femmes et des hommes âgés de 13 à 24 ans Cette enquête, stratifiée à trois degrés, fournit des estimations séparées relatives aux expériences de violence sexuelle, physique et émotionnelle vécues en Haïti par les femmes et les hommes avant l’âge de 18 ans Cette enquête comprend des sections standard d’énumération, intitulées Section d’Énumération (S
Précis of Nutrition of Children and Women in Haiti: Analyses of Data from 1995 to 2012
Between 1995 and 2012, many surveys including child and maternal nutrition indicators were conducted in Haiti. While many questions emerged from the results of those surveys, they have remained unanswered, in particular as they pertain to the determinants of poor children's and women's nutrition in Haiti.
Madre experienciada: Una aproximación a los significados de las maternidades de mujeres haitianas que son madres en Chile
El objetivo del presente artículo es comprender los componentes de la madre experienciada de mujeres haitianas que son madres en Chile. Se entenderá a la madre experienciada como el conjunto de creencias, prácticas, imitaciones, normas, estructuraciones psíquicas, identidades, reconfiguraciones y experiencias personales. Se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo, con sustento teórico en el interaccionismo simbólico y de tipo descriptivo. Las técnicas de recolección de datos fueron entrevistas individuales, entrevista grupal y entrevista abierta.
Projet ACOSME : Projet en Santé maternelle et infantile : Projet de Santé maternelle et infantile dans le Nord d'Haïti
En partenariat, l’Unité de santé internationale de l’Université de Montréal (USI) et le CECI mettent en œuvre un projet en santé maternelle et infantile au Nord d’Haïti. Cette initiative d’une durée de quatre ans a débutée en octobre 2016, et se fait en collaboration avec le ministère de la Santé et de la Population locale (MSPP) d’Haïti. Elle est financée en bonne partie par le gouvernement canadien à travers Affaires mondiales Canada (AMC).
Violence et discrimination à l'égard des femmes et lesbiennes, gays, bisexuels et transgenres (LGBT) en Haïti
Le rapport s'est concentré sur les violations des droits des femmes et des personnes lesbiennes, gays, transgenres et bisexuelles (LGBT) qui subissent de la violence et de la discrimination. Les informations contenues dans ce rapport ont été recueillies lors d'entretiens personnels avec des militants haïtiens et des survivants de violences et de discriminations liées au genre.
Identifying Factors of Influence on Family Planning Practices Among Rural Haitian Women
Haiti, a country located in the Caribbean, is considered to be the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. With a population of more than eight million, Haiti is amongst the poorest of the poor with majority of the population living in abject poverty. In Haiti, a large majority of women have unmet needs for family planning or child-spacing which inevitably leads to high maternal mortality. In Haiti, most births occur at home without trained health care personnel, and the country has the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDs in the region.
Intimate Partner and Nonpartner Violence Against Pregnant Women in Rural Haiti
Objective: To examine the association between violence experienced by pregnant Haitian women in the previous 6 months and pregnancy-related symptom distress. Methods: A total of 200 women seeking prenatal care at community health dispensaries in the Artibonite Valley were interviewed. Results: Over 4 in 10 women (44.0%) reported that they had experienced violence in the 6 months prior to interview; 77.8% of these women reported that the violence was perpetrated by an intimate partner.
"I am proud of myself, just the way I am" (Mwen fyé de tét mwen, jan mwen ye ya): a Qualitative Study among Young Haitian Women Seeking Care for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Haiti
Haitian women are twice as likely as men to have HIV/AIDs. Factors underlying the feminization of HIV are complex. Self-esteem is an important correlate of sexual behavior. However, its meaning and impact on health behaviors may be influenced by cultural factors. This qualitative study took place in Haiti 4 months after the 2010 earthquake and examines the meaning of self-esteem among young Haitian women seeking treatment for a recurrent sexually transmitted infection (STI).
Still Trembling: State Obligation Under International Law to End Post-Earthquake Rape in Haiti
This article examines post-earthquake conditions in Haiti, which have left women and girls in a heightened state of vulnerability, as well as the ineffectiveness of the U.N. and government to uphold obligations under international law to include grassroots women’s leadership in the planning and implementation sessions to address sexual violence in displacement camps. It provides a brief overview of pre- and post-earthquake responses to sexual violence in Haiti, and then an overview of sexual violence and the vulnerability of women and girls since the earthquake.
Poverty, Inequality and Power Dynamics: Women and their Role in the Haitian AIDS Epidemic
Most countries in the Western Hemisphere have reduced their incidence rates of HIV/ AIDS, but Haiti continues to experience alarming increases in diagnosed cases. This paper examines how political turmoil, poverty, violence and gender inequality contribute to the threat of HIV/AIDS throughout this region, and in particular, how gendered societal constraints make women especially vulnerable by compelling them to prioritize economically- beneficial sexual unions over personal health.