Il me disait que j’étais son sac de farine et qu’il voulait me pétrir comme une pâte. À l’époque, mon uniforme comprenait un pantalon. Il prenait plaisir à m’envoyer au tableau et restait de loin pour me regarder
Promotion et protection sociale de l'enfance et de l'adolescence en Haïti
Comment l'État haïtien organise-t-il aujourd'hui la protection et la promotion sociale des enfants et des adolescents? L’objectif central de ce rapport est de répondre à cette question, dans l'espoir que les éléments apportés puissent éclairer sur une autre interrogation: comment la caractérisation des politiques publiques de protection et de promotion sociale ciblées sur les enfants et les adolescents permet-elle de compléter le profil du système haïtien de protection sociale ?
Rapport final du projet national SAGA-ISTEAH : Femmes et sciences en Haïti
La promotion des femmes dans la science et les professions universitaires relève à la fois d’une valeur sociale en favorisant l’égalité entre les sexes, mais aussi d’un souci d’efficacité en donnant la possibilité à tous et toutes d’épanouir leurs talents et ainsi de renforcer le potentiel de progrès scientifique et de développement d’une société.
Rural Haitian Women’s Experiences with Poor Health Through Poverty
People living in rural Haiti lack access to basic health care services due to poverty. Rural poverty in Haiti particularly affects women’s health because Haiti has had the highest maternal mortality and infant mortality rates in the Americas, in addition to some of the worst health statistics in the Western Hemisphere. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to cultivate a greater understanding of the poverty factors that affect access to health care services specifically among poor women living in rural Haiti.
Menstrual Education and Personal Hygiene Supplies to Empower Young Women in Haiti
Recent studies report that Haitian women are concerned about unmet women’s health issues. The Days for Girls (DfG) International program features women’s health education and personal hygiene kits to ensure women understand the process of menstruation and sanitary hygiene practices. The aim was to train Haitian seamstresses to produce the DfG kits during an in-country workshop and investigate the perceived benefit of the DfG program in young women who used the DfG kits.
"The Women, They Maltreat Them… Therefore, We Cannot Assure That the Future Society Will Be Good": Male Perspectives on Gender-Based Violence: A Focus Group Study with Young Men in Haiti
The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of violence against women (VAW) held by Haitian men to gain a better understanding of why VAW occurs. Women in Haiti have experienced significant violence, both before and following the 2010 earthquake. Fifteen men aged 26 to 47 participated in a focus group. The data revealed three themes: men's beliefs about VAW and its context, factors influencing VAW, and recommended interventions. When approaching VAW, men must be part of the collective effort.
Education and Empowerment: Establishment of a Vocational Training Program in Nativity Village, Haiti
Enquête Mortalité, Morbidité et Utilisation des services EMMUS-V 2012
Cette cinquième Enquête Mortalité, Morbidité et Utilisation des Services (EMMUS-V) a été commanditée par le Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population (MSPP). Elle a été mise en œuvre par l’Institut Haïtien de l’Enfance (IHE) avec l’assistance technique d’ICF International, organisme chargé du programme international des Enquêtes Démographiques et de Santé (DHS) pour le compte de l’USAID.
Getting around the Poto Mitan: Reconstructing Haitian Womanhood in the Classroom
In this chapter the author constructs an alternate way of teaching about Haitian womanhood which creates a more nuanced and developed understanding of the many lives Haitian women may lead. The Kreyol saying “fanm se poto mitan” is well known in Haiti to mean that women are the central pillar that uphold society, they are indispensable, strong and resilient. However, Jean-Charles argues that the poto mitan is a restrictive representation of Haitian women that expresses the burdens that they must take on as the unwavering pillar.
Gender Mainstreaming in the Humanitarian Response in the Aftermath of the Earthquake in Haiti
This document describes a set of recommendations directed at the Coordinators of the Cluster System in Haiti. The group is comprised of staff from MINUSTAH-Human Rights, MINUSTAH-Gender Unit, UNIFEM, UNFPA, WFP, IOM, UNICEF and several other NGO’s. Recommendations include the integration of a gender analysis in the post disaster needs assessment; developing gender focal points in local offices and around Haiti to ensure that gender is improving the access and safety of women concerning water, sanitation and hygiene, and addressing gender issues regarding shelter and camp management.